Astronomical Society Prices

Fed up with observing nights blighted by cloudy skies? Light pollution driving you mad? Ever wished you could experience the stunning Southern Hemisphere skies but (a) you can't afford the flights or (b) you'd rather not face Australian beer?

Space Odyssey offers 100% cloud-free, inky-dark skies - guarranteed! Space Odyssey's incredible planetarium projection system can be used to transport the audience around the globe to experience breathtaking night skies we never get to see from the UK. See for yourself the rich starfields of Sagittarius and Carina, the Magellenic Clouds and the Southern Cross....

As a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society since 1992 and having studied Astronomy at university, physics teacher Simon Ould has a wealth of subject knowledge. Coupled with the incredible technology used in the Space Odyssey planetarium, Simon can take your Society members on a fascinating voyage of discovery through the world's night skies. Why not invite along members of the public, too, to help raise the profile of your organisation?

It is recommended that each group be allowed at least an hour's session so they can enjoy a lengthy time in the dome as well as having the opportunity to ask Simon lots of questions afterwards! It is often possible to plan two or more sessions in a single day or evening, e.g. 6:00 - 7:15pm, 7:20 - 8:35pm, 8:40 - 9:55pm

The cost of these superb presentations is just £7.50 per adult and £5 per child under 16. A minimum fee will apply. This will depend on the distance to be travelled from Simon's home in Devon and will be in the range £200 - £250.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.