Booking a visit

Booking a visit

For further information about Simon's presentations or to make a booking, please call Tracey Hyman, Space Odyssey's Administrative Officer, on our low-cost phone number:

0844 335 1353 (weekdays only, daytime or early evening)

(calls charged at 5p per minute from a BT landline, other network charges may vary)

Alternatively, please e-mail us at

Show Prices

Prices are INCLUSIVE of all travelling expenses etc.; VAT is not charged. Please visit the Prices page for more details of Space Odyssey's incredibly good value charges!


Practical considerations

It would be worthwhile considering the following points prior to making your booking for the Space Odyssey planetarium:

  • number of shows required and the number of children / adults attending each presentation (please refer to the Dome page for further details on capacity. Schools should refer to the Further information for schools page)
  • when the hall will be available (preferably 90 minutes prior to the first presentation)
  • the best route for vehicular access to the hall, ideally without any steps en route from the van to the hall (certain items of equipment are heavy and are on wheels, so ramped access is very much preferred)
  • a five minute gap is needed between presentations in order to set up computers/other equipment ready for the next show
  • whether you have any particular requests for certain topics or ideas to be covered during the shows
  • please double-check that your hall is large enough to take the dome! Remember that Space Odyssey's Voyager dome is one of the largest portable planetaria in the world and needs a reasonably large hall. The minimum hall dimensions are:

    7.0m by 8.5m floor area with minimum 3.8m of unobstructed height

    23' by 28' floor area with minimum 12'6" of unobstructed height

    In order to prevent damage to the fabric from which it is made, the dome must not be allowed to come into contact with the ceiling or the walls.

    If there are any lights or beams beneath the ceiling, please confirm the height from the floor to the lowest point of these obstructions. If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your circumstances as we may be able to fit the dome between obstructions (please refer to the Domes pages for further details)

  • even if the Voyager dome is too large for your hall, there's a very good chance that the smaller Pioneer dome will fit. Please refer to the Pioneer dome page for details of its minimum hall dimension requirements.
  • please note that neither dome can be set up outdoors

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