The Pioneer dome


The Pioneer dome was introduced in February 2007 as a result of high demand from primary schools whose halls are too small to take the larger Voyager dome.

The Pioneer dome will accommodate up to 35 Primary School-age children or up to 16 adults. Secondary Schools and Colleges will always have a hall large enough to take the larger Voyager dome and therefore the Pioneer dome would not be used at such venues.

The minimum hall dimension requirements for the Pioneer dome are:

at least 5.5m wide by 7.0m long and with at least 3.2m of clear, unobstructed height (that's 18' by 23' by 10'6" in Imperial)

To avoid disappointment, it is very importatnt that you measure your hall / gym to be certain that it meets with these minimum dimension requirements. Fortunately, virtually all school and village halls are large enough to take the Pioneer dome but it is definitely worth double-checking (especially for height, which should be measured from the floor to the lowest light fixture / beam below the ceiling).

If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the circumstances of your hall. For example, Simon may be able to fit the dome in between beams or light fittings that are slightly too low if they are spaced far enough apart.

The dome is British-made and allows extremely easy entry through a full-height zip in the side (so there's no awkward crawling involved!). The dome inflates in a matter of minutes and can be set up in any suitable indoor environment, such as a school or community hall. Disabled access is easily achieved by lifting up the skirt of the dome as the dome is NOT fully enclosed and simply rests on the floor of the hall (so it's important to arrange a thorough clean of the floor beforehand!). Please note the dome cannot be set up outdoors.

Audience members sit on the floor when in the Pioneer dome as, unlike the larger Voyager dome, it is not possible to accommodate chairs within it. In the event of an emergency, safety lights come on automatically inside the dome and the entire dome can be safely deflated in a matter of seconds without it even touching anyone inside!! Amazing, but true…

All that's needed is a normal power socket.

To learn about the larger Voyager dome, click here.

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