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(c) Deborah Johnson Photography

(c) Trevor Porter, The Wiltshire Times

(c) Express & Echo, Exeter

Year 7 pupils emerge from the dome

To read one of the press reports below, please click on the newspaper banner to bring up the full article.

Tiverton Gazette report 05 Apr 05

"The stars and planets are 'wicked' and 'cool' according to pupils at St. Aubyn's school..."

West Briton report 22 Mar 07

"The wonders and mysteries of space were brought home to pupils"

Wiltshire Times report 16 Nov 07

"Marie Veale, science co-ordinator at the school, said: 'I think they loved it, it was amazing"

Somerset Guardian report 08 Nov 07

"It's been fantastic," said the school's head, Damian Knollys. "The children loved it"

Plymouth Herald report 24 Mar 05

"Children have stars in their eyes...a unique experience for the children to learn about space"

Somerset Standard report 17 Feb 05

"St. John's pupils think their school's activities days are out of this world"

Kingsbridge Gazette report 06 Jul 07

"It brought the night sky alive for the pupils"

Kettering Evening Telegraph report 22 Jun 05

"It was really exciting and we saw what it was like for people in space"

Somerset Gazette report 28 Jan 05

"A real eye opener...the technology on display, the whole concept and design were a real inspiration"

Wellington Weekly News report 15 Nov 06

"It was a superb extension of our science topic on the Earth and space"

Pupil comments

Here are some of the many positive comments received in letters and cards from children throughout the Westcountry and South Wales, following Simon's visits...

"It was fantastic!" - Sam, Year 4

"Thank you so much for doing the planetarium with us. It was really cool. You must enjoy doing what you do" - Katie, Year 5

"I think the whole school really enjoyed the planetarium. I certainly did. It made Science Week a whole lot more fun!" - Will, Year 5

"It was fascinating and was certainly the best lesson I have ever had!" - Nick, Year 9

"All our questions were answered really well" - Emma, Year 6

"Thank you very much for coming in and teaching us lots of information about space. I enjoyed your visit a lot because I learnt so much about stars and loads of things. I hope you enjoyed coming!" - Anna, Year 6

"Thank you so much for coming and letting us have a wonderful day. We all learned a lot! We hope you'll come back to our school another time soon." - Class 6S

"I didn't want to come out of the dome when it was time because it was so fun and interesting" - Ellie, Year 3

"That was just the bestest thing ever!" - Emily, Year 4

"Thank you for bringing your aquarium" - Josh, Reception

Dome in large school hall Dome set up for presentation to parents


Teacher comments

The following is a selection of comments received on our Quality Assurance Feedback Questionnaires following visits to schools in South-West England and South Wales...

“Thank you for the fantastic shows, so excellently presented and very professional!”

"Simon pitched it right at their level so there were no confused expressions and everyone understood what he was saying "

“We all found the topics covered thoroughly informative and extremely enjoyable. The pupils had a very memorable experience that will enhance their understanding”

"The space dome was really effective, the films were great and we loved the stars"

"We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to seeing you again soon"

"Simon's passion and enthusiasm for the subject were really effective as was the awe and wonder of the dome"

"The National Curriculum was covered very well and the children loved it"

"Thank you for your flexibility and a great value show"

"The children had a wonderful time in the planetarium - they haven't stopped talking about it"

“The children were all spellbound before and after the presentations”

"Your show is a fantastic introduction to astronomy. I think there will be lots of telescopes on Christmas lists this year!"

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